30 km/h in cities, from 50 to 30
Safer streets, less traffic disturbance. These are the main reasons the city of Amsterdam is swiftly moving ahead with plans to lower the speed limit for cars. As of December, the speed limit in large parts of the city will go down from a 50 to a 30 km/h zone. This frees up new opportunities in terms of transport by cargo bike.
About half of the Dutch municipalities are strongly in favour of lowering the speed limit to 30 km/h in urban areas. Amsterdam is making the switch, lowering the speed limit for cars and other motorised vehicles. About 80 percent of Amsterdam’s roads will be designated 30 km/h zones by the end of this year, which adds up to around 270 kilometres in total.

This latest initiative in fact has nothing to do with the environment and the carbon footprint left behind by traffic. The main concern the City of Amsterdam has is the noise made by motorised vehicles, as well as road safety.
Fewer accidents
The new speed limit does not mean the end of the bicycle path. Also, streets and roads will not suddenly operate any differently. You can’t rearrange the whole city in one go. Especially in places with a lot of cars, bicycle paths will continue to exist.
Two-thirds of the local population currently finds the traffic in Amsterdam unsafe. Every year, an average of 20 people are killed in road accidents in the city and 800 road users suffer from injury. By reducing the speed limit, the city hopes to prevent up to a third of the accidents.
Cargo bikes allowed to use the road?
The city will look at the possibility of electric bikes or cargo bikes being allowed to use the roads in 30-kph zones. This frees up some space for the ‘regular’ cyclist on the (already overcrowded) bicycle path. Great for the cyclists, but certainly also for companies that use electric cargo bikes across the city!
A cargo bike will make it even easier to manoeuvre through city traffic. Especially if you are allowed to use the roads as a delivery person or courier. You will no longer be bothering other cyclists, and you can get around as fast as ‘regular traffic’. We will keep you informed about the plans the City of Amsterdam has over the coming period.
30 km/h zone, An added bonus
Did you know that an electric cargo bike is already cheaper than a diesel van? A delivery person who uses a bike like this works 60 percent more efficiently. You don’t have to endure traffic jams and no more long detours in the city. Also, you can always deliver directly to the customer’s front door. If the traditional delivery van is forced to go even slower in cities by the end of this year, it’s an added bonus for the bicycle courier!